List of Fruits in Spanish for Beginners

list of fruits in spanish article

List of Fruits in Spanish for Beginners

by Feb 26, 2018Spanish Articles

List of Fruits in Spanish for Beginners

As fruits are so important in our everyday lives, we are going to provide you with a short but precise list of fruits in Spanish, taking into consideration the most common fruit names in Spanish. This list of fruits will allow you the ability to acquire the necessary knowledge to, for example, buy an orange in the market, make a delicious gift of an apple to someone you care about or even writing an original song about them!

On the following list of fruits, you are first going to find the name of the fruit in English, and next to it, at the right of every equal sign, you will find its name translated to Spanish.

Good luck and try your best to pronounce each fruit in the list in the best way possible!

List of Fruits in Spanish

  • Strawberry = Fresa
  • Raspberry = Frambuesa
  • Cranberry = Arándano
  • Cherry = Cereza
  • Apple = Manzana
  • Pear = Pera
  • Mango = Mango
  • Apricot = Melocotón
  • Peach = Durazno
  • Grape = Uva
  • Grapefruit = Toronja
  • Lemon = Limón
  • Lime = Lima
  • Orange = Naranja
  • Tangerine = Mandarina
  • Watermelon = Sandía
  • Melon = Melón
  • Papaya = Papaya/Lechosa
  • Kiwi = Kiwi
  • Pinapple = Piña
  • Banana = Banana
  • Passion Fruit = Parchita/Maracuyá
  • Coconut = Coco
  • Avocado = Aguacate


With the previous list of fruits in Spanish, you will notice that several of these words have similar writing (or even pronunciation) in both languages, which makes its study easier than you might think. Also, you can spot that the last word on the list is one you may think is not a fruit, but it actually is, so you have extra points for that if you noticed.

Of course, the next step is making sentences with these words, as “Quiero beber jugo de naranja” (I want to drink orange juice), “Este ponqué de limón está delicioso” (this lemon cupcake is delicious) or “Estoy comiendo ensalada con aguacate” (I’m eating a salad with avocado); which you can master while practicing more and consulting a good dictionary when you don’t understand a word.

Finally, we can certainly say you don’t need special skills or a superior memory to learn Spanish; it is enough with your perseverance and willpower. So please, don’t feel bad and want to quit if you can’t dominate some words, especially from the very beginning, we promise you it will worth all of your effort and the time you invest on it.