Spanish Love Quotes with English Translations
11 Spanish Love Quotes with English Translation to Win the Heart of Your Crush!
Falling in love is one of the most refreshing and beautiful feelings that a person can experience in his/her life, so what better way to express your love than some Spanish Love Quotes with English translations? Emotions such as the fear of not being accepted, doubts if that special person is interested in you, nervousness if he or she is around and many others make falling in love a thrilling situation. So what can you do to make it easier? Well, you can learn some Spanish love quotes to win the heart of your crush.
Therefore, we have made a compilation of the best Spanish love quotes with English translations, giving you a hand when it comes to making your sweetheart wanting to stay with you.
So break a leg, and try out your best accent to impress with these quotes in both languages:
Spanish love quotes with English translation
“He experimentado de todo, y puedo asegurar que no hay nada mejor que estar en los brazos de la persona que amas”. – John Lennon.
“I have experienced all kinds of things, and I can assure you that nothing is better than being in the arms of the person you love”. – John Lennon.
“He amado hasta llegar a la locura, y eso que llaman locura, para mí, es la única forma sensata de amar”. – Françoise Sagan.
“I have loved to the point of madness; that which is called madness, that which to me is the only sensible way to love”. – Françoise Sagan.
“Nunca dejes de sonreír, ni siquiera cuando estés triste, porque nunca sabes quién se puede enamorar de tu sonrisa”. – Gabriel García Márquez.
“Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, someone might fall in love with your smile”. – Gabriel García Márquez.
“Si amas a alguien, díselo. Muchos corazones se rompen, por palabras que no se dicen”. – Pamela Daranjo.
“If you love someone, tell them, because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken”. – Pamela Daranjo.
“Es cierto que en el mundo de los hombres nada hay necesario, excepto el amor”. – Johann W. Goethe.
“It is true that in the world of men nothing is necessary, except love” – Johann W. Goethe.
“Un cobarde es incapaz de mostrar amor; hacerlo está reservado para los valientes”. – Mahatma Gandhi.
“A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave”. – Mahatma Gandhi.
“El amor implica una peculiar e insondable combinación de comprensión y malentendido”. – Diane Arbus.
“Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding”. – Diane Arbus.
“Amar es encontrar en la felicidad de otro tu propia felicidad”. – Gottfried Leibniz.
“Loving is finding your own happiness in somebody else’s happiness”. – Gottfried Leibniz.
At this point, we have shown you the best Spanish love quotes, with English translation, to make him/her fall in love with you, in the most romantic and deep way.
However, there is another way to attract or make your crush to stay; we will now show you a few more phrases, for those people who want to take the risk and maybe to gain something more than their crush’s heart.
Bonus section – Spicy, Sexy and Steamy Spanish Love Quotes 😉
We now introduce you to the best “spicy” Spanish love quotes with English translation, to take a chance of taking it to the next level.
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“La lujuria merece tratarse con piedad y disculpa cuando se ejerce para aprender a amar”. – Dante Alighieri.
“Lust deserves to be treated with pity and apology when it is exercised to learn to love”. – Dante Alighieri.
“Quizá pienses que te has enamorado cuando la pasión del sexo se apodere de ti. Pero si no amaste a ese hombre antes de ello, no lo amarás después.” – Mae West.
“Maybe you think you’ve fallen in love when the passion of sex takes over. But if you didn’t love that man before then, you will not love him later”. – Mae West.
“El amor es la respuesta, pero mientras usted la espera, el sexo le plantea unas cuantas preguntas”. – Woody Allen.
“Love is the answer, but while you wait for it, sex raises a few questions”. – Woody Allen.
Check out the video we made with the quotes so you can learn how to pronounce them correctly too.
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Be careful with these last ones and good luck when you say them!
By the way, don’t forget checking out our Amazing and Free Video Course, teaching you over 200 Useful Phrases in Spanish.